Canadian MD DR. ROGER Hodkinson; 20 millions dead worldwide from the Clot Shots
Also in this SUBSTACK Dr. Rochelle Walenski the CDC DIRECTOR recent announcement and fake global warming...
The reason for starting my SUBSTACK newsletter was not to become famous. Since November 2020 Presidential elections in the USA, it became increasingly hard for me to convey my thoughts to about 200 people on my distribution list through GMAIL. I came early to the conclusion that GOOGLE, YouTube, Facebook and Twitter were in lockstep to obscure and outright censor vital information about the Biden crime family businesses in Ukraine and the lies, deception and malfeasance associated with the CLOT SHOTS from Pfizer, Moderna and the rest of the poison shots manufacturers. I couldn't send emails to more than 10 people, at times the emails went out without attachments. It became evident to me that the Social Media giants engage in a war of attrition, extreme gaslighting against President Trump supporters and the freedom fighters who don't want to be injected with the CLOT SHOTS and are trying to warn others of the imminent dangers.
Who in his right mind wants to be famous, just to be eaten alive, by these psychopathic DemocRAT cannibals? All Trump associates have been targeted by the Deep State, starting with General Flynn to Alex Jones to Steve Bannon. Only despicable totalitarian Bolsheviks engage in the illegal practice of targeting political opponents. These are the most dark souled monsters and they could not do it without their supporters and enablers. This brings me inevitably to the issue of rising antisemitism in America. To those who are concerned with rising antisemitism, I want to ask them a simple question. Isn't about time Jews worldwide look themselves in the mirror and try to do some introspection and some self soul searching? Massive Voter Fraud occurred in America in the November 2020 Presidential elections. The film 2000Mules by Dinesh D'Souza documented just one mode of voter fraud, but there were many others. In states like Ohio and Florida where the counting continued throughout the night, President Trump won in a landslide. In places where the counting stopped at 22:00 with commanding lead of President Trump such as Pennsylvania and resumed in the morning, the lead vanished in thin air, by truckloads of illegal ballots brought to the voting centers throughout the night.
At the heart of this treasonous coup d'etat stood entities associated with Jews and Judaism. George Soros is one of the most notorious sponsor of voter fraud, but there is also the leadership of the DemocRAT party which is led by Jews and supported by Jews. The Godless Facebook platform is also associated with Jews and Jewish interests and their Research and Development centres are located in Israel. Mark Zuckerberg is known to have participated in the coup d'etat against President Trump yet he and Soros remain untouchable. In the new DemocRAT administration the corrupt Attorney General Merrick Garland is also a Jew and so is the psychopathic head of the CDC Rochelle Walenski. What will it take for ordinary Jews worldwide to wake up and stand up look these evil people in the eye and say loud and clear with no ambiguity...NOT IN OUR NAME.
When Albert Bourla the CEO of Pfizer is caught lying and engaging in a worldwide genocide unseen before in the history of mankind, The Jewish state bestowed on him the highest honors by awarding him the GEMINI prize. NOT IN MY NAME!!! Dr. Mengele was a boy scout compared to this monster.
I am attaching below a video by a Canadian freedom fighter medical doctor Roger Hodkinson. By his team estimates 20 millions died of COVID19 so called vaccines worldwide and about 2.2 billions suffered severe adverse effects.
Despite these staggering estimates obtained from analysis of existing data and extrapolation, Dr. Rochelle Walenski the head of the CDC in America doubled down recently by saying the new so called vaccines will be targeting young children and population which was hard to reach before, hinting that people like myself will be further terrorized into submission and gaslighted like never before. I call on Jews worldwide to stand up as one and say loud and clear to the Shummers, the Garlands, the Soroses, the Walenskis, the Bourlas and the rest of the PSYCHOPATHS of the world...NOT IN OUR NAME!!! You sick psychopaths, enemies of humanity will not drag us down with you on your path to perdition, one way ticket to HELL is just for thee, not for me.
Watch below Dr. Rochelle Walenski announcement which is guaranteed to make you puke. She encourages people to inject poison into their bodies, supposedly to prevent sickness, but as we speak she is sick with the flu. Watch her on Twitter how she is embarrassing herself...

Last but not least for this SUBSTACK, watch how NASA and the globalists are trying to fake global warming by tampering with historical temperature data. Thanks God for people like Tony Heller who stands guard for the truth. 1921 and 1927 were amongst the warmest on record, but thanks to NASA tampering they show as the coldest on record. Why do they do that? Along with mandatory injections, banning of fertilizers, global warming is an attack on humanity to force us to choose between commuting, or to put food on the table. They associate global warming with the rise in CO2. The plant food, they rename pollution and want it drastically reduced. Reducing CO2 in the atmosphere won't cool the planet at all, but will cause mass starvation, which is their ultimate objective. Stay informed, get educated, weaponize yourself with the truth, or get enslaved in posterity...
Please be social, share widely and encourage others to subscribe to my Substack. Only the TRUTH will set you free...
Disinformation on the ills of vaccines is still too strong, especially for a not-intellectually-sound humanity.
It's a worldwide mass formation psychosis, but in some places more people are awaken. In Israel and in Jewish communities it's hard to accept that our so called leaders are leading us literally into the gas chambers...